Libarian page

This page is for the librarian to keep a log of what books we have in the attic. See the Librarian to check out books and maps.

If you have a book or map you would like to donate, please contact our Librarian

Merit Badge # of books available

Aviation - 3

Art - 1

Archery - 2

Basketry - 2

Camping - 3

Communication - 5

Citizenship in the World - 1

Citizenship in the Nation - 4

Citizenship in the Community - 4

Collections - 2

Computer - 1

Crime Prevention - 2

Dog Care - 2

Emergency Preparedness - 5

Environmental Science - 1

Family Life - 4

Fingerprinting - 3

First Aid - 3

Forestry - 1

Geology - 2

Golf - 1

Graphic Arts - 2

Horsemanship - 2

Indian Lore - 1

Music - 1

Leather work - 3

Law - 1

Life Saving - 1

Mammal Study - 2

Medicine - 1

Nuclear Science - 1

Oceanography - 2

Orienteering - 1

Personal Management - 4

Personal Fitness - 4

Pets - 2

Photography - 2

Pioneering - 1

Pottery - 2

Public Speaking - 1

Pulp & Paper - 1

Radio - 1

Rifle Shooting - 1

Safety - 1

Salesmanship - 2

Scouting Heritage - 1

Shotgun Shooting - 1

Small Sailing - 1

Snow Sports - 1

Sports - 1

Swimming - 4

Welding - 1

Wilderness Survival - 1

Wood Carving - 1

Nature - 2

Recreation lakes of CA, 12th edition