Scoutmaster note

Scouts and Leaders, be sure to sign up for outings and events beforehand to allow for easy planning!

Congratulations to T609 Scout L.Q. who hiked the most Beast Conditioning Hikes over the 12 months of 2024!

Patrol Leaders, be sure to keep an eye on the calendar for your patrol's meeting skills and come prepared with a fun and interactive activity!  You can make the Troop meetings as awesome as you like.

We have a great Troop:  Scouts who want to go on outings, learn skills, and advance in rank.  Dedicated leaders to chase after the Scouts.  A dedicated parent committee to support the program.  And a great location in Southern California with access to the majestic Sierra Nevada mountains, a few National Forests, the deserts and that great California coastline.

Travel Light, Go Far!

Mr. S

[February 2025]



  [Some more neat troop pictures from just last year in 2024.  So many amazing trips!]